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Lilli [Niagara Child Photographer]

I really thought I would do a happy dance the day that all three kids are in school full time. Now with both of my boys in full time and Lilli with just half a year to go...i'm not dancing at all...i'm dreading it. I'm really going to miss this "girls only" time with her.

She's my perfect little afternoon companion:)

I love her little freckles:)


Nicole said...

Wow. She is beautiful and these shots are breathtaking. I love your b/w conversions :)

Shel said...

LOVE the first one! WOW!!!

Jennifer Gilbert said...

So pretty! Great images!

Jaime Coyle said...

Your b&w is so deep, I love it!

Amber said...


Unknown said...

Beautiful images!!

Robyn Russell said...

I love the way you processed these photos. They're so rich! The first shot is gorgeous!

Danielle said...

She is WAY too cute! Lovely images Sarah!!

Melissa Weicker said...

Your little lady is gorgeous and her expression is super cute! I'm a freckle lover too. :)

copyright notice

***All images contained on this site are copyright of Sarah Hancox Photography 2011***