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Oh, the places you'll go [Niagara Family Photographer]

This family definitely had a pretty hectic morning..let's just say there was a tow truck involved as well as a good samaritan:) I thought they could use a little down time, so I shared one of my favorite children's stories with them.

Oh..the places you'll go!!!!!

upside down book...priceless:)


PD said...

I knew I visited your blog tonight on purpose! This family session is beautiful and look at that smile on this little sweethearts face. LOVE it!

Lori Hawrychuk said...

Love this family set...such a good idea with the book.

haring-mendes said...

Awww, the upside down book one is priceless!

copyright notice

***All images contained on this site are copyright of Sarah Hancox Photography 2011***