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Helping Hearts {St. Catharines Family Photographer}

I've actually known this mom below for several years...which is why I can't quite find the words to describe the emotions I have felt over the years for this family. What I can describe though, is that this mom and son are loaded with spirit and a hilarious sense of humor regardless of the many challenges they have faced:)

Here's their story as told by mom...

Kyle is a 16 year old young man who loves sports, any sport. He watches, plays and probably dreams sports. Kyle enjoys school and his friends and has an active social life. Kyle has been through more than most 16 year olds should have to go through and I believe everything he has gone through has made him a better, stronger person. 
When Kyle was born he was diagnosed with Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus. Kyle was almost 5 hours old when he was sent to McMaster Hospital for surgery to close his back. When he was 10 days old he had another surgery to insert his shunt to control the fluid in his brain. Kyle was an amazing baby, always happy and always laughing. He was two and a half when he received his first wheelchair and 6 months later he met his baby sister. When he was 8 years old Kyle had to have surgery on his kidneys and was also diagnosed with Scoliosis. Kyle didn’t let his disability stop him; he played sledge hockey, baseball and basketball and loved every minute of it. He was unstoppable!!!!
When Kyle was 10, his sister was killed in a car accident at the age of 7, that day he didn’t only lose his sister he lost his best friend. Kyle and Emily were inseparable, always playing together and barely ever fighting. She was his biggest fan and was always there to support him with whatever he set his mind to. At the time of the accident, we were both suffering from the loss but he was so much stronger than me. Kyle was hurting but he was more worried about me then himself. He put his own feelings aside to help me deal with the loss of my daughter. There have been many moments in Kyle’s life that have made me proud but that is the proudest I have ever been of him. He showed great maturity and strength for a 10 year old. Kyle was my rock, always making sure I was ok and always the one holding my hand. Together we got through it and it only made us closer then we already were.
When Kyle was 15 we went to Shriner’s Hospital in Philadelphia so he could have his scoliosis repaired through various surgeries. Our 2 month stay turned into almost 4 as there were complications during some of the surgeries. Kyle remained his happy self regardless of the pain and stress he was feeling during this stay. The surgery was a success and by time we left he was 6 inches taller and recognizably straighter then he was when we arrived.
Kyle and I have grown up together, having him when I was 18 made me grow up quicker than I am sure I wanted to or was prepared to but we have done it together. We have conquered the hard times, we have enjoyed the memorable times and we have survived the heartbreaking times and we did it together. My son has continued to amaze me over the 16 years he has been in my life and I am looking forward to what lies ahead for him and for us as a family. I know that I am not the only one that is proud of him; he is the lucky one that has an angel watching over him who is just as proud if not prouder of him. 

Mom's holding her necklace that is imprinted with Emily's thumbprint:)

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***All images contained on this site are copyright of Sarah Hancox Photography 2011***