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The truth about Lilli {Niagara Child Photographer}

I started to think of this post a few weeks back, when waiting around in the arena for my oldest son (for the bazillionth time in my life).  Lilli was running around like a total maniac, rolling around on the filthy floors, hair everywhere..and basically..a total mess:) Otherwise known as..a normal kid. One of the "hockey dads" there (it was you Chase if you're reading this), teasingly said to me something along the lines of this "man..she sure looks so perfect in all those pictures you take but when you see her in person, lol). It was pretty funny. And sooo true!

So...I think i've mislead you for far too long now so here's the daughter actually is NOT a perfect little angel-child with that perfectly pouting look, frolicking happily through sun-filled fields of wildflowers.

Yes...I try to make it appear that way..because let's face sure makes a cute picture:)

But the reality is..she's messy haired, ketchup-faced, sometimes hyperactive and bizarre! But still absolutely perfect despite it all. So..why not capture that too. The truth. Because in all reality, that's probably how I will want to remember her when she's all grown up, when she would never be caught dead with ketchup on her face:)

1 comment:

Danielle said...

LOL! She's hilarious Sarah - such a cutie! What fun images of her!

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***All images contained on this site are copyright of Sarah Hancox Photography 2011***