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Inspire Me Mom Giveaway {Niagara Family Photographer}

Do you know a mom who continually inspires you?

Someone who makes you want to be a better you? Or a better parent?

I want to hear about her? I want to take her family portraits! And I want to do it for FREE:)

Here's your chance to pay it forward, and give that special mom the gift of memories, right in time for Mother's Day.

How it's going to work!

Send me an email at and tell me a brief story about a mom who you think is most deserving. Tell me why she is an inspiration to you and others. Has she overcome great challenges to put her family first? Or is it in something she does everyday? Maybe she has her family volunteering at a local charity, maybe she's committed to ensuring the health of herself and her children, maybe she does it all on her own, maybe she's highly involved in her community to ensure that only the best programs are available to her's and other children...oh there's so many different things it could be! And I want to hear all about it. And mostly, I want to hear about someone who can inspire me as a mom and all the other moms and parents out there.

Great moms deserve to be rewarded! And this is the best way I know how:)

Nominations will be posted to my Facebook fanpage on Friday, April 1st, 2011. You may vote for your favorite by hitting the “Like” button on her story. The mom with the most votes/likes will receive a

Custom Family Portrait Session
including the High Resolution Session CD. 
(a pretty big value)!

Some IMPORTANT things to know!

  1. All nominations must be submitted before 11pm on Thursday, March 31st, 2011.
  2. Winner must live in, or be willing to travel to the Niagara Region.
  3. Previous winners of similar Sarah Hancox Photography Giveaways may not be nominated.
  4. Previous nominees of similar Sarah Hancox Photography Giveaways MAY be nominated.
  5. The winner will be announced at 9am on Friday, April 8th. All votes must be in before that.
  6. You may nominate more than one person.
  7. You may vote for more than one person.   

    I can't wait to hear from you:)

    Happy Friday Everyone!!!!


PD said...

Best of luck! Fantastic idea!

Sarah Silver said...

Beautiful idea!

Nicole said...

What a lovely idea!

copyright notice

***All images contained on this site are copyright of Sarah Hancox Photography 2011***